Salmon, sea trout and sea char

Locals have access to the cheapest day licences and exclusive rights to season licences. Visitors to the Finnmark Estate have access to fishing through day licence, and week licences where those are offered.

50 of our rivers are leased to local associations. They do an amazing job in taking care of our common grounds in Finnmark. The associations are found on this Google-map

You can buy day-licenses the rivers mentioned in the table below at 

Lakseelver der fiskekort selges på Natureit

Lakseelver der fiskekort selges på Natureit
Kommune Elv Fiskbare arter Fisketid
Berlevåg Molvikvassdraget Sjørøye 1.7-11.8
Lebesby / Davvesiida Blåfjellvassdraget Laks, sjøørret, sjørøye 1.7-11.8
Lebesby Máhtosjohka Laks, sjøørret 1.7-31.7
Lebesby Store Torskefjordvassdraget Laks 1.7-11.8
Loppa Fjorddalsvassdraget Laks, sjøørret, sjørøye 1.7-11.8
Nordkapp Lafjordelva Laks, sjøørret 1.7-11.8
Nordkapp Rekvikvassdraget Laks, sjøørret, sjørøye 1.7-11.8
Porsanger Lakselva Laks, sjøørret og sjørøye Laks: 01.6 - 31.8, sjøørret: 01.6 - 15.9, sjørøye: 01.7 - 31.7
Porsanger Smørfjordelva* Laks, sjøørret 1.7-11.8
Sør-Varanger Braselvvassdraget Laks, sjøørret, sjørøye 1.7-11.8
Sør-Varanger Haukelva Laks, sjøørret 1.7-11.8
Vadsø Storelva** Laks, sjøørret 1.7-11.8
Vardø Austerelva Laks 1.7-11.8
Nordkapp Strandelvvassdraget Sjørøye 10.7-21.8
Lebesby Tømmervikelva Laks, sjøørret Laks: 01.6-31.8, sjøørret: 01.6-14.9
Vadsø Vasavannet Laks, sjøørret, sjørøye Laks og sjøørret: 01.6-17.8, sjørøye: 01.7-31.7

* Protection zone from the bridge (E75) down to where the river meets the sea


Terms for salmon fishing in rivers where the Finnmark Estate sells licenses

It's the responsibility of the fisherman to abide by the national guidelines and regulations.

1. General provisions

  • The scope of the license
    The license is only valid in the river stated on the license. It's the responsibility of the fisherman to get aquainted with any private property. It's the responsibility of the fisherman to get aquainted with which species are allowed to catch, and when.
  • Drying and disinfection of gear
    Fishing equipment, boats and other possible items carrying infection or disease should either be dried, frozen or disinfected before moved to another river or other parts of the river. It's the responsibility of the fisherman to make sure that the equipment does not carry disease or infection.

2. Fishing regulations

  • The license must always be brought along during fishing and shown to any demanding control authority. The national license must be shown along with the fishing license. The license is personal, and it's the duty of the fisherman to show valid identification.
  • Catch report after the fishing trip is mandatory. The catch report is delivered at, or by using the NatureIT-app.
  • It's only allowed to use one rod or line per person. As bait, it's only allowed to use worms, lures, spinners, wobblers and fly.

3. Sanctioning

  • Breaching these terms may lead to an immideate confiscation of the license and/or a notification to the police. 


Egil Liberg
Telefon 78 95 50 00
Mobil 99 01 46 86